Late last year, a small group of enthusiastic tag singers led by Joe Cerutti, David Breen, David Wilt, and Bob Bates met for a joyful afternoon of tag singing. We had so much fun that we decided to organize an annual MAD tag-singing party. Visit our Event Page on Facebook.

WHERE:  Honey’s Harvest Farm. 5801 Brookswood Road, Lothian, MD 20711

WHEN:  Saturday, October 26. From 3:00pm until ???

WHO: Anyone who loves singing tags. This is a family-friendly event. Children under 18 are free, but with adult supervision required. This year, we will cap attendance at 100 singers (plus 25 TagMasters). Next year we hope to remove the attendance limit.

COST:  $35.00 per person


Honey’s Harvest Farm is just four miles from the town of Deale and the Chesapeake Bay. It is within a 1-hour drive of Northern Virginia, Washington DC, and Baltimore.

We have booked their Farmhouse and Studio for the afternoon, evening, and night. We chose the Farm for its rustic charm, its convenient location, its isolation (so our singing doesn’t disturb anyone), and its copious parking,

The Farmhouse and Studio are Gluten-Free, so we have arranged a delicious gluten-free food-for-purchase menu from the fabulous Aztk Food Truck (see menu below).

We will also have a tent set up outside so you can bring your own picnic. Just be sure not to take any food containing gluten into the buildings.


The fabulous AZTK Food Truck will be on-site from 5:00pm to 8:00pm.

Here is their menu. All items are gluten-free.


The event is BYOB. Any kind of alcohol consumed outside the Farm buildings is OK. Alcohol inside the buildings must be gluten-free, e.g., wine or gluten-free beer.


No one is making money on this event. The admission fee is priced to pay for the rental of the farmhouse and the tent.


Our organizers are long-time barbershoppers Joe Cerutti, David Breen, Elizabeth Colosimo, David Wilt, and Bob Bates.


Tag Teaching Guidelines:

Vast Collection of free Barbershop tags and videos:


The MAD Tags organizers are long-time barbershoppers Joe Cerutti, David Breen, Elizabeth Colosimo, David Wilt, and Bob Bates.

Honey’s Harvest Farm is just 4 miles from the lovely Chesapeake Bay, within a 1-hour drive of Northern Virginia, Washington DC, and Baltimore.

We chose the Farm for its rustic charm, its convenient location, its isolation (so our singing doesn’t disturb anyone), and its copious parking.

Our goal is to get everyone singing in foursomes as soon as possible. We will have experienced TagMasters on hand to teach whoever wants to learn, but there won’t be performances or contests or group sings. Imagine the near anarchy of a convention hotel lobby, but with more space to spread out.

We have booked the Farmhouse and Studio for the afternoon, evening, and overnight. We have to leave by 11:00am on Sunday morning. (The Eventbrite site is clearly not accustomed to barbershoppers, and it insists on displaying the “End time” as 11:30pm. The reality is that we can stay all night.)

We plan to make this an annual event that is open to everyone. However, for the first time around we decided to limit the attendance so we could iron out any kinks that crop up.

Yes! The Farm buildings are gluten-free, so we have arranged a delicious gluten-free Food-for-Purchase Food Truck menu. But we will also have a tent outside so you can bring your own picnic. Just don’t take any food containing gluten into the buildings.

Yes! The event is BYOB. Any kind of alcohol consumed outside the Farm buildings is OK, but alcohol inside the buildings must be gluten-free, e.g., wine or gluten-free beer.

We’ll distribute a list of 30 tags ahead of time that peoplle can learn as ice-breakers. But we’ll also have TagMasters on hand who can teach dozens more.

A TagMaster is someone who has memorized and can teach all four parts to dozens of tags. They are friendly, approachable, and experienced in teaching singers of all levels of experience.

Our hope is that everyone will want to sing and have a good time. No one will force you to sing, but we think you’ll have a better time if you do.

Please do! But keep in mind that once we sell out, they will have to wait until next year.

For more information, email Bob Bates at